State Policy Network
Cascade prepares to fight Oregon’s ‘cap-and-spend’ climate agenda

The Oregon Legislature meets for a “short,” month-long session in even-numbered years, and the agenda is carefully scripted in advance. Cascade Policy Institute’s top legislative priority for this legislative session was defensive: Support the broad-based coalition opposing the legislative majority’s cap-and-spend plans and publicize electric resource reliability in the wake of scheduled shutdowns of coal-fired power plant shutdowns in the Northwest.

Oregon leaders’ progressive climate agenda would increase energy costs across the economy. Combined with less available power load, cap-and-spend would create an economic crisis affecting all Oregonians. Given Oregon’s total greenhouse gas emissions peaked in 1999 and have dropped steadily since (despite its growing economy), cap-and-spend is a legislative proposal in search of a purpose.

Cascade will recommend a more useful energy resource agenda that will include the following:

Cascade Policy Institute is the leading voice for free-market environmentalism in Oregon. Improved environmental quality goes hand-in-hand with economic prosperity, and both flourish when property rights and technological innovation are respected. The free market is the greatest system for allocating scarce resources—an ideal at the heart of environmental ethics.

Cascade urges Oregon policymakers to embrace technological solutions that reduce environmental impact and lower costs, while respecting individuals’ freedom—rather than force top-down behavior change on Oregonians. Numerous energy stakeholders admit the Northwest is likely to have inadequate energy resources to power the grid, and brownouts are possible beginning this year. Beyond the 2020 session, Cascade will warn state policymakers about the high risks of pursuing an ideological climate agenda at the expense of Oregon’s livability. Reliable, affordable power is an issue that is not going to go away.

Categories: News
Organization: Cascade Policy Institute