State Policy Network
Telecom Conference: Broadband Beyond 2020: Competition, Freedom, and Privacy

The Free State Foundation’s Twelfth Annual Telecom Policy Conference was March 10, 2020, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The conference theme was Broadband Beyond 2020: Competition, Freedom, and Privacy. Keynote Addresses were delivered by: Brendan Carr, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission; Michael O’Rielly, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission; Ajit Pai, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission; Jeffrey Rosen, Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice; and Christine Wilson, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission.

In addition to the keynoters, an outstanding lineup of senior officials and prominent experts from the FCC, other government agencies, industry, academia, and think tanks discussed and debated the most important communications and internet policy issues of the day, including Internet freedom and net neutrality, broadband deployment, competition policy, the 5G rollout, privacy regulation, the changing video services landscape and regulatory environment, universal service, and more.

Categories: News
Organization: Free State Foundation