State Policy Network

SPN Philanthropy Impact Award 

SPN’s Philanthropy Impact Award recognizes a development professional in the state think tank Network who has made an indispensable contribution to their organization’s fundraising success. 

Whether they are a front-line fundraiser, grant writer, CRM administrator, or any role in between, this individual has made an outstanding impact in philanthropy in the state-based, free-market Network. 

The winner will be recognized at a special luncheon Monday, August 19, at SPN’s 32nd Annual Meeting.

2024 Award Information

If you have any questions, please email Natalie Bezek at

Nomination Window: SPN affiliates are invited to nominate candidates during our nomination window, which will open on Monday, June 3, and will close on Friday, June 21.

Winner Selection Process: The winner will be decided by an award selection committee at SPN, using the following criteria:  

  • The number of total nominations (if someone is nominated multiple times by different staff members within an organization). 
  • The number of nominations by a donor. 
  • The impact of their contribution (this is subjective and will be determined by the selection committee). 

Apply Here: Submit your application here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for this award?  
Development staff (excluding CEOs or board members) at one of SPN’s affiliate organizations are eligible.  

Can I nominate more than one person? 
Yes! We’re excited to see the impact so many development staff are having on their organization and the Network overall. You are welcome to nominate any staff member you believe should be recognized. 

Can I nominate myself for this award?  
Yes! If you are a development professional at one of SPN’s affiliate organizations, please feel free to nominate yourself.  

Do I have to be in development to nominate someone? 
Any staff at SPN affiliate organizations are welcome to nominate development colleagues at their own organization or any affiliate organization.