March 30, 2020
Grassroot’s priorities for Hawaii’s legislative session
The Hawaii Legislature meets only between January and May, which means an avalanche of new tax hikes, fees, and other proposals are considered in a very short time. For the 2020 session, the priority of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii is to bring reason and fiscal accountability to these legislative discussions.
With the recent announcement that the state faces $88 billion in unfunded liabilities by 2030, Grassroot hopes to persuade lawmakers to reconsider expensive new programs and expenditures. In addition, Grassroot will focus on promoting policies that could help reduce the cost of living in the nation’s most expensive state. That means opposing new taxes, fees, and regulations, including a slew of new licensing laws and minimum-wage proposals.
Grassroot’s aim is to keep pressing for economic freedom in Hawaii to make it more affordable for everyone.