State Policy Network

State Policy Network Annual Report

SPN’s 2023 Annual Report tells a story that Americans don’t always hear when they turn on the news, but one they feel when they look out their front door – into their neighborhoods, communities, and states. 

It is a story of people coming together to solve problems and protect the values and institutions that have made this country prosperous. It is one where organizations in our Network across the states are learning from one another and adopting policies that work in one place so that they can help people elsewhere. It is one where rather than looking to Washington, DC politicians to “fix” everything, solutions are tailored and customized to the needs of the people in a particular state. It is a story of state leaders from our Network collaborating, strengthening each other, and building a movement towards change. In other words, it is the story of an organization that enables our Network to go further, faster, together. 

SPN is proud to partner with our Network affiliates and generous supporters so that state solutions have national impact.  

Current Issue: 2023 Annual Report

SPN has supported Network affiliates to achieve the following:  

  • Seven states passed universal education freedom bills, while several other states made progress on expanding education opportunities for our nation’s children.
  • More than a dozen states passed tax reforms that provide much-needed financial relief for citizens and boost state competitiveness.
  • SPN made or directed $9.9 million in targeted investments to the 50-state Network that fueled critical campaigns and infrastructure to advance freedom.
  • 680 Network leaders participated in SPN Peer Networks, building a talent pipeline and connecting like-minded leaders to solve the nation’s biggest problems.
  • More than 1,600 leaders from all 50 states registered for SPN’s premier gathering, Annual Meeting.
  • SPN launched the new Center for Practical Federalism to build upon our decades of work in the states and proactively challenge federal overreach.

With our state partners, we have helped propel important policy wins, built strong leaders and organizations, incubated new solutions to longstanding challenges, and brought our movement together around a shared vision and commitment to improving lives in states and communities. 

SPN’s vision is an American where all people can flourish because collaborative, entrepreneurial leaders have secured lasting social change, personal freedom, and economic opportunity at the state and local level. Our mission is to catalyze thriving, durable freedom movements in every state, anchored with high-performing, independent think tanks.  

Past Issues

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report