State Policy Network

Applications Open for SPN’s 2025 Pathways to Prosperity Prize 

About | Eligibility & Application Process | Contact | Refer a Candidate

State Policy Network’s vision is an America where all people can flourish because collaborative, entrepreneurial leaders have secured lasting social change, personal freedom, and economic opportunity at the state and local level. 

The reality of poverty in the United States defies that vision. As long as tens of millions of Americans live in poverty, they cannot fully support one another in creating and maintaining the strong communities that have made America a beacon of hope around the world. 

We’re excited to identify the most creative people and organizations pursuing innovative, market-based solutions that will eradicate poverty in their communities. If you or someone you know fits that description, consider applying for the Pathways to Prosperity Prize or filling out a referral form.  

First round applications close February 3, 2025.

Meet the 2024 winners>>>

Refer a Candidate
Do you know an individual or organization who may benefit from learning more about SPN’s Pathways to Prosperity Prize and related opportunities?
Tell us about them >>

About the Pathways to Prosperity Prize 

Supported by grants from the John Templeton Foundation, Rising Tide Foundation, and the Beth and Ravenel Curry Foundation, the Pathways Prize will inspire and accelerate projects that offer market-based solutions to the many challenges poverty presents to our communities. The Pathways to Prosperity Prize was awarded for the first time in 2024. 

The Pathways Prize is highly competitive, and a limited number of awards will be made.  Grant award amounts range from $20,000 to $75,000 and winners meet with SPN staff quarterly to report on progress during the twelve-month period of the grant (Q3 2025-Q3 2026).  

We expect applications from those working in education, health, housing, food, economic development, social welfare, social connection, and criminal justice. Applicants may be able to draw attention to efforts in areas not mentioned above, so we welcome projects in areas not listed as long as they meet the prize guidelines and requirements.  

More information about SPN’s Pathways to Prosperity Prize

About the Pathways to Prosperity Prize

Free enterprise has lifted billions of people worldwide out of poverty. Giving people the personal freedom to be entrepreneurial in all walks of life generates lasting social change that improves everyone’s quality of life. The Pathways Prize supports ideas and organizations that expand the power of free enterprise to bring about community progress and individual flourishing. 

Winners will be recognized in SPN communications and have the opportunity to present their work at various SPN meetings. Any applicant who offers a promising project may be connected to our nationwide Network to expand their work to communities across the country.  

How do I know if my project would be a good fit for the Pathways Prize? 

  • Does your project address poverty in your state, city, or community? 
  • Does your project increase individual and community freedom, ultimately reducing dependency on government assistance?  
  • Does your project have clear, measurable goals?  
  • If you reach those goals, will you be able to show others how your project has affected an indicator of poverty?  
  • Can you explain those goals to someone who is not an expert?   

Are you:  

  • An organization with a 501(c)(3) determination?  
  • Excited to share your learning with others across the country who may be able to adapt and apply it to improve their own communities?  

If you answered “yes” to these questions, we encourage you to fill out an application form to be considered once the application opens on January 6, 2025.   


State Policy Network invites community leaders, non-profits, state-based think tanks, and national organizations to identify the most promising approaches to the challenges our communities face. We work with our members to refine and improve these approaches, then to adapt and apply the best ideas. This advances our Network’s efforts to improve communities throughout the United States through better public policy.  

The purpose of the Pathways Prize is to identify, reward, and connect the most creative and promising entrepreneurs across the United States who are working to address poverty in their communities with market-based solutions. We will connect these entrepreneurs to one another, to opportunities, and to our Network. The Pathways Prize supports and accelerates entrepreneurs in their work, and learning about innovative market-based approaches to poverty across the country strengthens our Network and the communities where our members operate. 

Eligibility, Process, and Number of Awards

This highly competitive grant program is open to non-profits with a 501(c)(3) designation. SPN members with eligible projects are encouraged to apply, but applicants are not required to be SPN members to submit applications or compete.  

SPN will not consider requests for general operating support or capital improvement. Applications must be project-based (i.e., have a beginning and end date [even if that date falls beyond the twelve-month term of this grant] as well as clear success metrics).  

The competition occurs in two rounds:     

  • A first round that includes a short application soliciting basic information (opens January 6, 2025) 
  • A second, invitation round only follows the first round and requires a more detailed application (invited applicants will receive notice around February 24, 2025)  

Applications will be welcomed via online form submission. Hard copies or proposals submitted via email will not be accepted. All applicants will be asked to provide:  

  • Organizational information, including confirmation and documentation that your organization is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit.
  • An executive summary (100 words or less) of your project.   
  • An explanation of why you are applying for Pathways to Prosperity that includes:
    • Demonstration of project’s alignment with the guiding principles listed above.   
    • An explanation of how the success of the project would be measured. 

Those who are invited to the second, full application cycle must also provide additional detail about their projects, including (but not limited to):  

  • Project outline and budget, including goals and detailed information about evaluation and impact, and how requested funds will be used over the following year.   
  • A video of team members explaining why the organization is applying for the Pathways to Prosperity Prize.  
  • Second-round applications will undergo a rigorous vetting process that includes external judges. Applicants who progress to the second round will be notified of results in late May.  

Only a small number of projects will be selected to receive a grant award. Our expectation is that fewer than five prizes will be awarded. 

Guiding Principles

Our vision is rooted in the following guiding principles: 

  • Local Solutions from Local Leaders: We believe local problems are best solved by local leaders who know and understand the challenges their communities face. Poverty and its impact are best understood by those living in the communities that are affected. 
  • Market-Based Solutions: We believe free enterprise is the most moral and proven system for giving as many people as possible opportunities to build businesses and livelihoods that serve their communities, create good jobs, and establish economic security for themselves and their families. Free enterprise has lifted billions of people worldwide out of poverty. Giving people the personal freedom to be entrepreneurial in all walks of life generates lasting social change that improves everyone’s quality of life. 
  • Impact, Measurement and Evaluation: We believe that progress must be measurable, and we believe those working on the ground in local communities are best positioned to identify the relevant metrics to measure poverty, the causes of poverty, and the consequences of poverty.  Priority consideration is given to applications that show their thinking on the “how” of impact (clear outcome goals, clear step-change or strategies to achieve the intended impact, approach to experiments, evaluation, and learning, transparency about obstacles and risks, and thinking about ecosystems and partners.) 
  • The Role of Government: We affirm that government at all levels plays a role in addressing poverty and its effects, particularly through safety-net programs. Long-term and primary dependency on government assistance, however, obstructs the kind of individual and community flourishing that SPN envisions. The Pathways to Prosperity Prize rewards projects that reduce dependency and build and support individual and community empowerment. 
Important Application Dates

The competition occurs in two rounds:

  • First round opens January 6, 2025
    The short application soliciting basic information opens January 6, 2025. Submissions will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
  • First round applications close February 3, 2025.
  • Second round invitations will be sent around February 24, 2025.
    Select applicants will be invited to submit a more detailed application.
  • Second round status updates will sent in late May. 

SPN wants to know about your work. Applying may qualify you for additional benefits.

Strong applicants will benefit from other opportunities even if they do not ultimately win the Pathways to Prosperity Prize. Applicants of interest may receive support and resources including:    

  • Invitations to participate in LaunchPad Accelerator Workshop co-creation events.  
  • Information about or invitations to apply for other grant opportunities.   
  • Training and workshop opportunities.  
  • Invitations to SPN events, briefings, and networking.  

If one or all of these opportunities interest you, please indicate your interest in your Pathways application.