State Policy Network

SPN Awards

State Policy Network endeavors to inspire and raise the level of effectiveness of affiliate members so that they can be forces for the public good. One way SPN accomplishes that goal is through recognizing and celebrating the state think tanks, allied organizations, and Network leaders who are pioneering new solutions and avenues toward lasting social change, personal freedom, and opportunity at the state and local level.

Bob Williams Awards for Outstanding Policy Achievements
The Bob Williams Awards for Outstanding Policy Achievements celebrate affiliates doing exceptional work to develop and disseminate credible policy research and ideas that can help states implement free-market solutions that will have national impact. 

Overton Award
The Overton Award recognizes nonprofit leaders in the state-based, free-market Network who embody the qualities of leadership, loyalty, humility, and support for the cause of liberty. The award also honors these leaders for giving generously of their time, talent, and experience to support their peers and build up state-based leaders across the Network.

Thomas A. Roe Award
The Thomas A. Roe Award pays tribute to those in the state public policy movement whose achievements have greatly advanced free-market philosophy and policy solutions. It recognizes leadership, innovation, and accomplishment in public policy. 

Communications Excellence Awards
The SPN Communications Excellence Awards recognize and encourage outstanding achievements in marketing, communications, and media across the Network affiliates.

Philanthropy Impact Award
SPN’s Philanthropy Impact Award recognizes a development professional in the state think tank Network who has made an indispensable contribution to their organization’s fundraising success.