State Policy Network

Bob Williams Awards for Outstanding Policy Achievement

SPN's Bob Williams Awards celebrate state think tanks doing exceptional work to develop and advance policy solutions that strengthen communities and improve lives.

The Bob Williams Awards for Outstanding Policy Achievement celebrate state think tanks doing exceptional work to develop and disseminate credible policy research and ideas that can help states implement free-market solutions that will have national impact. The awards were named in honor of our Network’s most iconic policy maven and a friend to many, Bob Williams, and are presented yearly at SPN’s Annual Meeting.

The 2024 award trophies will be handed out at the annual Celebration of Success Awards Dinner at this year’s SPN Annual Meeting in Phoenix. View this year’s finalists.

2024 Voting Information

Voting for the 2024 Bob Williams Awards is now closed. Winners will be announced at SPN’s Annual Meeting in Phoenix.

Learn more about this year’s Bob Williams Awards finalists here.

Categories in 2024

  • Most Influential Research: Recognizes the organization whose original research achieved a high level of influence in academia, media, or policy-making arenas.
  • Best Issue Campaign: Recognizes the organization that ran the highest quality issue education campaign.
  • Biggest Home State Win: Recognizes the organization that achieved a significant policy win in their home state. Your win can come from any jurisdiction in your home state, local government, executive, judicial, legislative, or etc.
  • Biggest Win for Freedom: Recognizes the organization(s) whose effort was instrumental toward securing a significant policy victory this year. Wins can be one state or a multi-state effort; offense or defense; state or national.
  • Best State Based Litigation Award: Recognizes litigative efforts at the state and local level, which help to advance the cause of free markets and federalism. We have added this award to recognize the crucial role of litigation in defending and advancing freedom, and to create a tool for appreciating the state and local wins that can fly under the radar of national news and dialogue. See below for more information on who is eligible or this award, and how the finalist selection committee will appraise nominations.

2023 Winners and Finalists: View the 2023 winners and 2023 finalists.

2024 Award Information

Nomination Window: Nominations for the 2024 awards are now closed.

Project Criteria: Projects occurring between May 2023 and June 2024 will be accepted. 

2024 Finalist Selection Process: Finalists will be selected by an internal committee composed of SPN staff, with a wide range of backgrounds and fields of expertise. Committee members are selected based on their understanding of the policy landscape, the operations of state think tanks, and their relative expertise in the discipline area. The committee will be assembled and led by SPN’s Media Manager Camille Walsh, with final approval of the finalists coming from SPN’s Vice President of Programs Todd Davidson.

Scoring Guide: All nominations will be appraised according to this scoring guide. Please direct any questions to Camille Walsh (

Voting Process: Like in 2023, voting is limited to Annual Meeting registrants. This is meant to create a more purely “peer vote” on the Bob Williams Awards. In contrast, the Communication Excellence Award voting is open to the public. Our goal is to have policy achievements voted on by people with the greatest relative knowledge on the difficulty and impact of that policy achievement. So, be sure to register for Annual Meeting in order to cast your vote!

Voting Dates: Voting will take place June 28-July 9 for the 2024 Bob Williams Awards for Outstanding Policy Achievement. Winners will be announced at the annual Celebration of Success Awards Dinner at this year’s SPN Annual Meeting in Phoenix.

Past Winners







Past Finalists

Award Categories

Best Issue Campaign: Recognizes the organization that ran the highest quality issue education campaign. Submissions will be judged based on measures of execution not necessarily if a win was ultimately achieved. Measure of execution include strategic thinking, exemplary use of outreach tactics, ability to reach target audiences, and team alignment.

Most Influential Research: Recognizes the organization whose original research achieved a high level of influence in academia, media, or policy-making arenas. Submissions should describe one piece of research which is either a single publication or a closely related series of research publications (for example, one white paper, a collection of essays on a single topic, or a book). Submissions should also include information about the impact that the research publication made and clearly communicate the measured outcomes and results.

Biggest Home State Win: Recognizes the organization that achieved a significant policy win in their home state. Your win can come from any jurisdiction in your home state, local government, executive, judicial, legislative, or etc. Submissions will be judged on the significance of the victory and how important the organization’s contribution was to the victory. Submissions for Biggest Home State Win can also be considered for Biggest Win for Freedom.

Biggest Win for Freedom: Recognizes the organization whose effort was instrumental toward securing a significant policy victory this year. Wins can be one state or a multi-state effort; offense or defense; state or national. Submissions will be judged on the significance of the victory and how important the organization’s contribution was to the victory. Submissions for Biggest Win for Freedom can also be considered for Biggest Home State Win.

Best State Based Litigation: This new award recognizes the organization whose efforts through the courts were instrumental for advancing or defending a significant policy reform, or for curbing the excesses of government. Submissions will be judged on impact of the win, relative difficulty of the win, and how it positions the Network and the movement for future success.

Who qualifies for the State Based Litigation Award?

  • Litigation does not have to result in a court victory if it was substantial in its influence on future policy changes.
  • Litigation must have taken place at the state or local level.
  • Any Network Affiliate or Partner is eligible to apply.
  • A “line of cases” is eligible for submission as a single project, provided the nominee can demonstrate a clear and honest link between the cases and their outcomes.
  • Nominees should have a primary role in the litigation outcome, but do not have to be the primary litigator if they can show their role was decisive in the outcome. Nominees are allowed to have contracted attorneys for the case, rather than having existing attorneys on staff.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply for the awards?

Any affiliate state think tank can apply for any of the original four award categories. The Best State Based Litigation Award is open to national partners, provided their litigation was state or local in focus.

  • Only state think tanks are eligible to receive the first four awards. National partners can only recieve the Best State Based Litigation Award.
  • SPN members are welcome to nominate each other, provided they can fully complete the nomination details.
  • State think tanks can submit nominations in multiple categories. State think tanks can also submit multiple projects/wins in the same category, provided the submissions are for separate, distinct projects or successes.

What is required in order to nominate a think tank?

In preparation for your nominations, you may find it helpful to gather the following information prior to filling out each nomination form. You do not have to provide information in every category, but providing as much information as possible will improve the quality of the nomination.

  • Your contact information & contact information of organization (if you’re nominating another state think tank)
  • What problem or opportunity the campaign/research successfully addressed and who was helped. 
  • Details about specific objectives and how specific departments helped contribute to the effort.
  • Links to or copies of campaign collateral – videos, ads, publications, infographics, etc.
  • Information about the impact this success has had on the organization and/or the Network.

Can I nominate more than one organization?

Yes! We’re excited to see the impact so many state think tanks are having in their communities, their state, and even the nation. You are welcome to nominate every  state think tank you believe should be recognized.

Although only one think tank will be selected as the winner in each category, the impressive work of every nominee will be featured on and through other SPN channels.

Can I submit nominations in more than one category?

Please do! You are encouraged to submit nominations for different projects from one state think tank or submit nominations for multiple think tanks. If you’re unsure whether a project should be considered for “Biggest Win” or “Biggest State Impact,” feel free to indicate on your nomination form that you would like the nomination to be considered for both.

Can I nominate my own organization?

Absolutely. State think tanks are encouraged to let us (and the Network) know about your influential achievements.

Can I nominate an organization even if I don’t have all the requested information?

The more information in the nomination we have, the better. If your knowledge of a project is limited to basic facts, consider encouraging the state think tank to nominate themselves. You’ll have an opportunity to vote your support once the nominees are announced.

About Bob Williams

Bob founded the Washington Freedom Foundation and was a nationally recognized expert in the areas of fiscal and tax policies, election reform, and disaster preparedness. Bob was also the Director of State Budget Solutions, a project of the American Legislative Exchange Council.

Bob held a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Penn State and was a Certified Public Accountant. In that capacity, he served as an auditor at the Pentagon and Post Office for the U.S. Government Accountability Office. He served five terms in the Washington State Legislature and was the 1988 Republican nominee for governor of Washington State.