State Policy Network
Week in Review: April 7, 2023


The Alaska Policy Forum testified before a joint meeting of the House Ways & Means and Education Committees on Alaska’s K-12 education landscape. 

Stossel TV released a new video that highlights the negative impact of the Jones Act.  

The Caesar Rodney Institute found and highlighted a significant change in the federal government’s most recent Drafts of the Environmental Impact Statements regarding two offshore wind projects. 

Institute for Reforming Government released a new digital encyclopedia tool that starts the process of cataloging the 20 largest state agencies. The unprecedented digital encyclopedia highlights the major problems in these state agencies, exposing potential opportunities for oversight.  

In legislative testimony, The Buckeye Institute called for school choice for Every Child, Every Family, Every Community. Buckeye applauded Governor DeWine and the General Assembly for their bold education proposals that give families options and put students first but encouraged lawmakers to do more for families and students across Ohio. 

Commonwealth Foundation announced the results of its first in a series of quarterly polls, the Common Ground Commonwealth Poll, which tracks opinions on key issues facing Pennsylvanians, showing bi-partisan support for business tax cuts and an expanded tax credit scholarship. 

Center of the American Experiment hosted a “Freedom Rally” at the Minnesota State Capitol. 

The Grassroot Institute of Hawaii testified for an increase in income eligibility for real property tax credit and to increase the property tax exemption. 

The Independence Institute released a new video series on Colorado’s property tax. 

The Empire Center highlighted how two of New York’s most influential lobbying groups are airing TV ads that make alarmist and inaccurate claims about Medicaid. 

Maine Policy Institute testified in support of reforming Maine’s Freedom of Access Law, ending and preventing unnecessary COVID-19 mandates, and establishing work requirements for welfare benefits

The Mackinac Center hosted Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Michigan lawmakers yesterday for a policy discussion. 

People United for Privacy Foundationurged the Judicial Conference to protect privacy rights and free speech in the courts as they deliberate new disclosure requirements for amicus filers. 

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Mandy Drogin breaks the either/or myth and shows how school choice lifts up all students in a new video from PragerU

The Virginia Institute for Public Policy received extensive media coverage for their work on election integrity. 

The Washington Policy Center is hosting an event on April 29 about how to innovate private-sector solutions to environmental problems. 

In support of the First Amendment rights of citizens who speak up at school board meetings, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) rebuked the West Allis-West Milwaukee (WAWM) School Board for blatantly violating a citizen’s freedom of speech. 

Freedom through the Courts: The Latest Litigation Efforts across the Network 

The New Civil Liberties Alliance and Mackinac Center are challenging the unlawful extensions of federal student loan deferments. 

The Pelican Institute’s Center for Justice is launching a new effort to fight back on behalf of the hardworking men and women of Louisiana: the Right to Earn A Living Litigation Initiative. Their first two clients as part of this initiative are highly qualified veterinarians who have been unfairly barred from practicing their profession. 

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty filed for a preliminary injunction to halt the Biden Administration’s new “Minority Business Development Agency”. This is the first federal agency devoted to helping Americans of some races, but not others. WILL represents small business owners from Texas, Wisconsin, and Florida in its eighth lawsuit against the Biden Administration, which was filed in federal court in the Northern District of Texas last month. 

Success Stories 

The Arkansas Legislature passed the Freedom Foundation’s “Teacher Paycheck Protection Bill,” sending the measure to Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her signature. 

West Virginia adopted reforms to its campaign finance and grassroots lobbying laws to safeguard First Amendment rights and donor privacy (People United for Privacy). 

Solutions from the States: This Week’s Policy Briefs  

The Alaska Policy Forum released a policy brief on certificate-of-need laws. 

The Buckeye Institute released its now world-famous Piglet Book, which analyzed Ohio’s proposed biennial budget and identified more than $2.7 billion in savings for Ohio taxpayers. Seventeen of Buckeye’s recommendations were offered as amendments to the budget, which lawmakers are currently debating. 

In a new policy memo, The Buckeye Institute outlined how states can “follow Ohio’s lead” to spend their remaining American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) tax dollars wisely. Buckeye noted that as state legislatures debate how to spend remaining ARPA dollars, they should adhere to “sound spending principles that will keep…state[s] solvent without risking future tax hikes.” 

The Foundation for Government Accountability released a guide on restoring voter confidence in elections. The guide suggests that Florida should create election crimes units to investigate and report on election crimes. 

Massachusetts should join 45 other states and allow prescribers to dispense drugs, according to a new study published by Pioneer Institute

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty released its newest policy brief, “Beyond the Budget: The Surge of Non-Agency Pork in Wisconsin.” In this policy brief, we show how non-state agency capital requests have increased, raising concerns about the appropriate use of taxpayer dollars for the good of the state. 

The Yankee Institute released a brief covering the news that Connecticut may soon join New Jersey as the only other state to require “fair share” housing plans for each municipality — as well as penalties if they fail to submit plans. 

The Yankee Institute released a voting policy brief answering the question, “What exactly does ‘open primary’ mean and what are the arguments for and against it?” 

Tracking Positive Reforms in the States: Updates from State Think Tanks 

Alabama is considering a bill that will exempt full-time hourly waged employees from paying taxes on work performed in excess of 40 hours per week (Alabama Policy Institute). 

North Carolina’s legislature introduced a bill which would grant the legislature more authority over appointments for state boards and commissions (John Locke Foundation). 

The North Carolina Senate signaled their intentions Wednesday to aggressively lower the state’s personal income tax rate. (John Locke Foundation) 

South Carolina’s legislature is considering bills that would create a new education scholarship program, cut taxes, and remove barriers to obtaining a work license. (South Carolina Policy Council) 

Washington State Senate Bill 5499, to join the multistate Nurse Licensure Compact, received a strong pass (30-1) from the House Appropriations Committee on April 4. (Washington Policy Center) 

The Missouri House advanced a bill to cut its corporate tax in half (Platte Institute).  

The Texas Senate passed Senate Bill 8, historic legislation that will allow the parents of 5.5 million children to take a central role in their children’s education (Texas Public Policy Foundation).  

Policy News from the States 

K-12 Education  

Charter Conversation Starter: Just the Facts on Public Charter Schools in Tennessee 
The Beacon Center 

First Amendment Rights Trampled by Wisconsin School Board 
Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty 

Replacing Rigid Teachers’ Union Salary Schedule Increased Math and Reading Achievement  
Center of the American Experiment 

Governor Vetoes of H314, Idaho’s School and Library Protection Act 
Idaho Freedom Foundation 

N.C. House Budget Would Increase K-12 Spending, Raise Teacher Pay, and Expand School Choice  
John Locke Foundation 

How to Achieve a More Dynamic Teaching Workforce 
Libertas Institute 

Oklahoma First Lady: School Choice Can Break Cycles of Dysfunction 
The Nevada Policy Research Institute 

South Carolina: ESA Bill in a Nutshell 
Palmetto Promise Institute 

Valuing Learning Over Time Learning: Is Louisiana Ready? 
Pelican Institute 

Missouri Charter Schools Top the Academic Growth Charts 
Show-Me Institute 

The “Bruno Principle” of School Finance—Don’t Talk About Total Expenditures 
Show-Me Institute 

New State Data Identifies the Lowest-Performing Public Schools in Washington 
Washington Policy Center 


SJM 8006 wants to take Washingtonians down the wrong health care path 
Washington Policy Center  

Hospital Lobby’s TV Campaign Spreads Misinformation about Medicaid 
The Empire Center for Public Policy 

Hochul’s “Pay and Resolve” Push for Hospitals Triggers Triggers Déjà Vu to Cuomo’s “Pay and Pursue” 
The Empire Center for Public Policy 

North Carolina DHHS Stops Reporting Covid Hospitalizations by Vaccination Status 
The John Locke Foundation 

Medicaid Expansion: Markets, Not Government, Would Deliver Better Results 
The John Locke Foundation 

In Oklahoma Speech, Chinese-American Pediatrician Calls for Strengthening Parental Rights  
The Nevada Policy Research Institute 

Flaws with Single-Payer 
Pacific Research Institute 

Pharmacy Benefit Managers Are Picking Patients’ Pockets 
Pacific Research Institute 

Energy and Environment  

The “Net Zero” Delusions of California’s Ruling Class  
California Policy Center 

Winona Laduke Steps Down from Her Honor the Earth Nonprofit  
Center of the American Experiment 

Montana: Times Up on the Cottonwood Fix  
Frontier Institute 

Don’t Want an Electric Car? Gavin Newsom Is Making Sure You Won’t Have a Choice  
Pacific Research Institute 

Debate: Energy and the War in Ukraine 
Rio Grande Foundation 

A Belated Reckoning as Climate Act Costs Become Apparent 
Empire Center for Public Policy 

Jobs and State Economies 

No, California Is Not the World’s Fourth Largest Economy  
California Policy Center  

West Virginia Cities could provide growth opportunities  
Cardinal Institute  

Portlanders Are Voting with Their Feet and Oregon’s Economic Engine Is Losing Steam 
Cascade Policy Institute 

An Examination of Occupational Licensing in the States  
Cardinal Institute 

Closed: Is there life after Downtown Walmart? 
The Grassroots Institute of Hawaii 

Local Jobs Report: Decreasing Unemployment Yet Labor Force Participation Also in Decline 
The John Locke Foundation 

Despite Record Tax Revenues Seattle Doesn’t Seem to Want Business to Succeed in Downtown Seattle 
Washington Policy Center 

Once Again, Seattle Is Out to Destroy Jobs and the Free Market Gig Economy 
Washington Policy Center 

State Budgets  

Sales Tax Holidays are no Trip to the Beach 
Iowans for Tax Relief Foundation 

Minnesota: Proposed Tax Cut Does Not Live Up to the Hype  
Center for the American Experiment 

Minnesota Dept of Revenue Digs Deep Into Taxpayers’ Pockets   
Freedom Foundation of Minnesota 

How Progressive is North Carolina’s Tax System? The Answer: More Than We Thought 
The John Locke Foundation 

New Hampshire: State Budget On Track for a Large Double-Digit Increase in 2024-25  
The Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy  

SB96 Shows Why State Employees Shouldn’t Serve in Legislature  
The Nevada Policy Research Institute 

Oklahoma: Spotlight on Taxes: Property Tax and Sales Taxes 
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs 

Cities in Crisis: How to Fix Municipal Government Budgeting 
Pacific Research Institute 

Louisiana Should Support Prosperity to Reduce Federal Dependency 
Pelican Institute 

Matt Wynn On Tracking Government Salaries 
Platte Institute 

Missouri House Advances Bill to Cut Its Corporate Tax in Half 
Platte Institute 

Lawmaker Again Tries to Rid Workers of a Payroll Tax That Begins in July 
Washington Policy Center 

New Bill Proposes “Excise Tax” On Compensation 
Washington Policy Center 

Workplace Freedom 

Oak Harbor Bus Drivers Opt Out, Sound Off 
Freedom Foundation 

The De⁠t⁠ro⁠i⁠⁠t⁠ News: R⁠i⁠gh⁠t⁠ To Work Repeal Makes M⁠i⁠ch⁠i⁠gan an Unpleasan⁠t⁠ Pen⁠i⁠nsula 
The James Madison Institute 

Could Unions Control College Athletes? 
Virginia Institute for Public Policy 

Washington State Senate Needs to Protect Workers’ Privacy 
Washington Policy Center 


The Return Of The Baby Formula Tariff Has Brought On Another Shortage  
Center of the American Experiment  

Ranked-Choice Voting Moves Ahead in the MN Senate, But Does It Even Work? 
Center for the American Experiment  

Looking Back at Kentucky General Assembly 2023 and Ahead to 2024  
Bluegrass Institute 

Why is Patriotism in Decline?  
Mississippi Center for Public Policy 

Housing and Regulation: How Vermont’s Development Regulations are Contributing to Housing Costs  
Ethan Allen Institute 

Fact Check: Ranked Choice Voting ‘Fails’ to Live up to Hype  
Freedom Foundation of Minnesota 

Zoning: Government for Government’s Sake 
Indiana Policy Review Foundation 

Wisconsin: Why Conservatives Keep Losing…And How They Can Win Again 
The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy 

Ignoring Market Forces Won’t Solve Housing Affordability 
The Nevada Policy Research Institute 

The Mythical Crime Reduction Dividend  
Pacific Research Institute 

A History of Rent Control Policy in Massachusetts 
Pioneer Institute 

State Think Tanks in the News 

The Mackinac Center’s James Hohman co-authored a piece in the American Spectator on the double standards of politicians. 

At RedState, the Freedom Foundation explained their legal fight against the Washington capital gains tax.  

At National Review the Frontier Institute’s Kendall Cotton outlines Montana’s recent spending cuts.  

In City & State Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth Foundation notes PA Democrats are determined to stop voter ID, even if it comes at the expense of their top legislative goal. 

In his recent column, the Georgia Public Policy Foundation’s Kyle Wingfield recaps Georgia’s 2023 legislative session. 

In The Spokesman-Review, the Washington Policy Center highlighted how Washington is no longer income tax free. 

Magnolia Tribune feature: Why is patriotism in decline?  Mississippi Center for Public Policy  

In his recent column, John Locke Foundation’s John Hood points out patriotism requires a common story. 

In the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the Commonwealth Foundation notes there is no real education reform without school choice. 

In her recent column for The Philadelphia Inquirer, the Commonwealth Foundation’s Jennifer Stefano points out she cannot fight political battles with truth alone. 

In the Alpena News, the Mackinac Center notes Michigan’s economy needs to catch up. 

In the Washington Examiner, the Maryland Public Policy Institute notes Maryland’s outdated school plan won’t fix its schools post-COVID. 

In The Federalist, the Texas Public Policy Foundation argues the Left is dead wrong about what homeless people really need. 

In the Tri-City Herald, the Washington Policy Center points out that farmland isn’t safe from the WA state capital gains tax. 

In The Gazette, Iowans for Tax Relief Foundation notes Biden’s budget threatens main street. 

In his recent column, John Hood points out the problems facing North Carolina Democrats. 

In The Daily Caller, the Libertas Institute considers the dangers of a cashless America. 

In The American Spectator, the Mackinac Center highlights Gretchen Whitmer’s hypocrisy when it comes to TikTok. 

In the Washington Examiner, the Mississippi Center for Public Policy notes the toxic relationship between the Fed and banks must end. 

In Nevada Business, the Nevada Policy Research Institute highlights Governor Lombardo’s education solutions. 

In the Washington Examiner, the Pacific Research Institute notes pharmacy benefit managers are picking patients’ pockets. 

At National Review, the California Policy Center highlighted bad energy policy in Texas. 

Events and Opportunities 

Please see SPN’s Network Calendar for a full list of events. 

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Organization: State Policy Network

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