State Policy Network


Here to Help


SPN can help you take your development skills to the next level

Philanthropy is the engine keeping our nonprofit missions moving forward. But fundraising is more than just asking for money. Success requires a compelling vision that excites donors not just to give – but to partner with you to change the world.

Whether you are new to nonprofit fundraising or a seasoned development professional, SPN offers curated programs to help you achieve your goals and accelerate your impact. We will work with you and your team to assess the programs and services that fit with your organization’s current fundraising needs.

Natalie Bezek

Director of Fundraising Strategies

Our Offerings

Strategic Development Planning

Every ambitious fundraising goal needs a plan. We’ll work with you to determine the strategies and resources you need to reach your team’s intended goals.

Fundraising Assessments

Sometimes it helps to have an external perspective look under the hood of your fundraising shop and assess strengths, gaps, and actionable solutions.

Development Bootcamp

Our in-person Bootcamp is not for the faint-hearted. Participants should be prepared to roll up their sleeves for an immersive week learning and applying core fundraising competencies. Bootcamp is open to Application is required and will reopen in Spring 2024.

Skill-Up Fundraising Series

Virtual fundraising trainings are offered throughout the year around critical development skills and topics. The Skill-Up Series is open to SPN members and requires advance registration.

Talent and Staffing Support

Exceptional fundraising talent can be some of the most challenging roles to hire at a nonprofit. From department heads, grant writers, major gift officers, and more – we can help you brainstorm the right role for your current needs, maximize your outreach efforts, and introduce you to potential talent.

Pitch Coaching and Feedback

The art of communicating your organization’s mission and impact to donors is a journey. SPN can help you create and refine your pitch to current and prospective donors.

Peer Network

There are more than 100 development professionals across the SPN Network. SPN’s Peer Network offers both virtual and in-person opportunities to engage with your peers in states across the country.

Senior Leaders Peer Groups

Best-in-class development leaders have advanced fundraising competencies as well as sophisticated leadership abilities. SPN Senior Development Leader Groups offer opportunities peers across states to sharpen and challenge one another toward growth. Participation is invitation-only.

Criteria for Acceptance

Some of our programs require applications or are invitation only. We would be happy to work with you to discuss your organization’s fundraising needs and determine the programs that will fit best. Contact Natalie Bezek at to learn more. 

Helpful Resources

SPN Network Effects

SPN’s community for development professionals. Join peer discussions, crowd source advice and answers, access a wealth of trainings and resources.

SPN Development Resources and Online Courses

You must be an SPN member and enrolled with Network Effects to access our online content.