America Needs a Freedom Movement in the States
Across the country, people face arbitrary, unnecessary, and unjust barriers to the pursuit of a good life.
Since 1992, State Policy Network has empowered leaders on the state and local levels to develop and advance policy solutions that better meet the unique needs of their citizens.
That’s because what makes America a blessing and a dream for so many is not the power of our government but the strength of our communities.
The solution to what ails so many Americans is not more power in the hands of the Washington establishment. It is to restore the individual rights and local governance that for centuries made America a beacon of hope for millions around the world.
Members of the Thomas Roe Legacy Society (TRLS) play an essential role in SPN’s ability to restore the necessary balance of power between the federal government and the states, now and for future generations.
Here are some simple ways to make expanding freedom in the states, now and for future generations, part of your legacy.
Any of these gifts entitle you to membership in the Thomas Roe Legacy Society.
Give to SPN through Your Will or Living Trust
Leaving money to State Policy Network in your will is simple, and doing so costs you nothing now. Moreover, a bequest can easily be modified in the event that your circumstances change.
Sample gift language:
I give to State Policy Network, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Corporation headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, Federal Tax ID #57-0952531, the sum of $______ (or ____% of my estate; or the property described herein) for its general purposes (or for the support of a specific program).
Make SPN a Beneficiary of your IRA or 401k
Naming State Policy Network as a beneficiary of all or part of a tax-deferred account like an IRA, 401(k), or 403(b) can be a tax-smart way to include us in your estate plans.
Because SPN is tax-exempt, the full amount donated will support our work to ensure that your children and grandchildren can grow up in a country in which personal freedom, economic liberty, and limited government are upheld and strong.
To make SPN a beneficiary of one of these accounts, simply ask your plan administrator for a beneficiary designation form.
Contact us to discuss even more ways to give.
There are many other kinds of gifts that entitle you to membership in the Thomas Roe Legacy Society.
We would be glad to talk with you about ways to take advantage of these or other giving opportunities!
To discuss these options and more, please contact Nitsa Jennings at or 619-244-4580, or your SPN contact.
Federal Tax ID #57-0952531
Legal Name: State Policy Network
Address: 1500 Wilson Blvd, Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22209
To join the Thomas Roe Legacy Society today, simply complete our simple online form, or click here for a printer-friendly version. We look forward to welcoming you!
By including SPN in your estate plans, you ensure our 50-state network will be there to safeguard America’s place as a land of opportunity for decades to come.
There has never been a better time to join! For a limited time, the family of SPN’s founder, Thomas Roe, will donate $1,000 to SPN to match every new legacy intent notification we receive.
In recognition of the special part TRLS members play in ensuring that America remains a place where all people can flourish, you would receive special benefits and acknowledgement of your support:
To learn more about legacy giving at SPN or discuss other gift options, please contact Nitsa Jennings at or 619-244-4580, or your SPN contact.
Thomas Roe was a successful businessman, generous philanthropist, and a man who consistently rolled up his sleeves to get a job done.
He was also SPN’s founding chairman.
After years of success in building free-market think tanks at the national level, Tom led the charge to help the states develop their own engines of liberty — an aspiration that President Reagan himself encouraged Tom to pursue. Tom devoted both his time and his treasure to establishing SPN in 1992 and helping it succeed in its early years.
Tom’s considerable legacy is everything you associate with SPN today: a state-by-state strategy that safeguards our core values through policy solutions that advance liberty, innovation, and opportunity for all.
We invite you to leave a legacy to future generations, too. By including SPN in your estate plans, you ensure that your children and grandchildren will thrive in an environment in which personal freedom, economic liberty, the rule of law, property rights, and limited government are upheld and strong.
With a legacy gift to SPN, you can make an extraordinary impact on our country’s future.
If you have questions about joining the Thomas Roe Legacy Society, you or your legal and financial advisors can contact Nitsa Ioannides at or 619-244-4580, or your SPN contact.