State Policy Network
Alabama Policy Institute

200 Missionary Ridge Drive

Suite 110

Birmingham, AL 35242

(205) 870-9900

Mission Statement

Free Markets, Limited Government, Strong Families.


The Alabama Policy Institute (API) is a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to influencing public policy in the interest of the preservation of free markets, limited government and strong families, which are indispensable to a prosperous society. We do this by identifying, developing, and promoting innovative policy ideas and by providing fact-based, objective analysis of key issues.


The mission of Alabama Policy Institute is to provide information to the people of Alabama about the legislative issues being debated in Montgomery and Washington D.C. and to be a reliable resource to our elected representatives on public policy issues. As a conservative think tank, API addresses a wide range of emerging policy issues in the areas of economics, education, the environment, government, family and society.


Alabama Policy Institute approaches important challenges of public policy by researching and offering our analysis and solutions in a timely, understandable and objective manner through reports and publications, articles, media interviews, and API updates available to public servants, citizens and the media.

Top Policy Issues

State Budget

Government Transparency
