State Policy Network
The James Madison Institute

100 North Duval Street

Tallahassee, FL 32301


Mission Statement

Through a comprehensive effort that couples academically-sound research with widespread education outreach, JMI provides information and ideas that guide policymakers and fuel public policy debates across Florida from the halls of the state Capitol to the homes of Floridians. Although we work through complicated policy issues, our approach is simple. Focus on policy, not politics – and keep our principles of limited government, personal responsibility and economic freedom front and center. Throughout the years, we’ve remained tried and true — a constant conscience of Florida’s leaders and a champion for hardworking Floridians who have made this state what it is today.


The James Madison Institute is a Florida-based research and educational organization 501(c)3 engaged in the battle of ideas. The Institute’s ideas are rooted in a belief in the U.S. Constitution and such timeless ideals as limited government, economic freedom, federalism, and individual liberty coupled with individual responsibility.


The Institute’s mission is to keep the citizens of Florida informed about their government and to shape our state’s future through the advancement of practical free-market ideas on public policy issues. The Institute achieves its mission through research, conferences and seminars, and a variety of publications. Since its inception in 1987, the Institute has remained independent, nonprofit, and nonpartisan. It makes no attempt to aid or hinder the passage of legislation, nor does it accept government funds or respond to special pleadings from any sector.

Year Founded


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K-12 Education