State Policy Network
Civitas’ policy priorities in 2020

The Civitas Institute hit the ground running in 2020. North Carolina is again a battleground state in the 2020 presidential election, leading to interest from Democratic presidential hopefuls, national media, and interest groups. As a result, Civitas Institute’s polls will continue to provide insights to both state and national media as they seek to understand the political climate of voters.

One of Civitas’ primary objectives is to foster a fair, business-friendly tax environment in North Carolina. The most effective way to accomplish this goal is by repealing the state’s corporate income tax. Click here to read our most recent piece on this (also published in The Daily Reflector).

Moving forward, Civitas will give increasing attention to agriculture and energy policy, as both of these issues continue to be a significant source of economic activity in the state and nation. Donald Bryson, Civitas president and CEO, recently published this op-ed at Issues & Insights that warns of the danger in politicizing our energy sector. 

Education is another pivotal policy priority for Civitas as its an opportunity to capture the moveable middle as the demand for choice continues to grow. An article in the Associated Press quoted Civitas’ Director of Policy Bob Luebke’s insight into the public’s tolerance for a teacher strike that the state’s largest union is entertaining. An excerpt:

“Bob Luebke, director of policy for the Civitas Institute, a conservative think tank based in Raleigh, said even the single-day teacher walkouts could be considered strikes. Teachers ‘are entrusted with educating our children,’ Luebke said. ‘If they walk off the job like they did last year, everyone knows the upheaval that creates.'”

Keep an eye out for Civitas’ next update which will include the latest poll results on school choice!

Categories: News, Polling
Organization: Civitas Institute