State Policy Network
Week in Review: October 4, 2024


In response to the devastation stemming from Hurricane Helene, local Network groups the Georgia Public Policy Foundation, The James Madison Institute, the John Locke Foundation, the Palmetto Promise Institute, and the South Carolina Policy Council shared ways to help those who have been affected.

California Policy Center released a new Local Fiscal Health Dashboard that tracks the financial health of California cities, counties and school districts. The interactive database allows users to track how elected officials are managing local budgets, support ongoing budget decision making and identify financial red flags.

Idaho Freedom Foundation unveiled their Prop 1 Exposed page which will detail the pitfalls of ranked choice voting and how it has failed to work in other states.

Platte Institute released a new episode of the Nebraskanomics podcast on the topic of federalism featuring Tony Woodlief, SPN’s Senior Executive Vice President.

Rio Grande Foundation announced that its October Albuquerque luncheon has sold out—proof of the strong local interest in this informative talk about the importance of the Electoral College.

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Freedom through the Courts: The Latest Litigation Efforts across the Network

The Buckeye Institute is challenging the Internal Revenue Service-practice of collecting and storing information on donors to American charities and nonprofit organizations. Robert Alt, president and chief executive officer of The Buckeye Institute, joins the Cato Daily Podcast to discuss Buckeye v. IRS—Buckeye’s case challenging the IRS-required disclosure of private donor information to the government—and explain why the case matters. Buckeye also filed an amicus brief in Advance Colorado v. Griswold, calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case and tell Colorado that its government-compelled ballot-language speech code gives the government unchecked control over the messaging of citizen ballot initiatives, a clear violation of the First Amendment.

Goldwater Institute lawyers were in the Minnesota Supreme Court to argue on behalf of Native American children who are denied the protections that children of other races enjoy, due to the federal Indian Child Welfare Act and the Minnesota state version of that law, called the Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act.

Liberty Justice Center filed a motion for a preliminary injunction in its lawsuit against Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon on behalf of Dr. Eric Cubin, a radiologist whom the Governor forced to resign from the state’s medical board for privately writing a letter in support of Senate File 99, known as “Chloe’s Law.” Since the lawsuit’s filing, grassroots support for Dr. Cubin and his fight for the First Amendment has swept across Wyoming, with over 5,300 residents across the state petitioning Governor Gordon to reinstate Dr. Cubin. The Center also joined with the Pacific Legal Foundation in filing a motion for judgment on the pleadings in their legal challenge to the federal “Swampbuster” statute, urging a federal court to strike down a scheme that unconstitutionally takes farmers’ property without compensation. “We’re asking the Court to put an end to decades of legalized abuse and uphold farmers’ Fifth Amendment rights,” said Loren Seehase, Senior Counsel at the Liberty Justice Center.

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Success Stories

Kentucky: Within hours of receiving a demand letter, a Kentucky school district unblocked public comments and removed an illegal post lobbying against a proposed ballot measure which would increase educational opportunity across the state. The letter urged the school district to immediately halt its illegal use of taxpayer funds to lobby against the measure and demanded that the district—which selectively blocked constituents on social media to prevent criticism of this lobbying—put an end to its violations of the First Amendment (Liberty Justice Center).

Rhode Island: A Rhode Island public school teacher received justice from a district that retaliated against him when he exercised his right to opt out of paying union dues when West Warwick Public Schools and the Town of West Warwick agreed to settle his lawsuit for $60,000 (Mackinac Center).

Washington: Thanks to timely research and reporting showing the detrimental effects of the policy, the city of Snohomish’s City Council has voted against a proposal that could have added an additional $20,000 to $40,000 to the construction cost of Accessory Dwelling Units—a much needed reversal of its previous position (Washington Policy Center).

Nationwide: A federal judge ruled against the “disadvantaged business enterprise” program, a $37 billion program that discriminates against businesses based on race and gender. Businesses will now be able compete for government construction contracts on an equal footing, without regard to race and gender (Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty). 

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Solutions from the States: This Week’s Policy Briefs  

Empire Center posted a brief examining Governor Hochul’s costly overhaul of the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) in ways which could facilitate the unionization of CDPAP caregivers and increase New York healthcare union dues revenue.

Idaho Freedom Foundation published a brief calling for Idaho to enforce state laws to become the most unappealing state for those who ignore US immigration law while entering the country.

Mountain States Policy Center released briefs that unpack why costs for health insurance premiums and Federal health insurance subsidies are increasing, explain how a proposed measure in Oregon would fund universal basic income with a corporate tax increase, analyze Wyoming’s proposed property tax split, and examine a proposed community safety sales tax in Spokane, Washington.

Washington Policy Center issued briefs that expose how medium to high-income earners disproportionately take advantage of the state’s Paid Family and Medical Leave payroll tax-funded program, highlight the latest projection about the effects of repealing the new capital gains income tax, reveal how repealing Washington’s CO2 tax won’t hurt the air quality of Washington, and confirm the findings of a new study that shows the state as one of the worst in the entire nation for small business.

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Tracking Positive Reforms: Updates from Network Affiliates  

Idaho and Montana: Proposals from both states to allocate federal funding to help bring high-speed internet to areas in need in the state have been approved. Though timely and efficient implementation is key to the success of the project, Idaho and Montana’s proposals have helped pave the way for best practices (Mountain States Policy Center—for a viewpoint on how this ought be applied in Louisiana, see this brief from Pelican Institute).

South Carolina: Gov. Henry McMaster and the state’s Department of Education requested that the state Supreme Court reconsider its recent ruling that blocked implementation of a 2023 school choice law allowing public funds to be used for tuition at private schools—a laudable move by the governor and department that hopefully will result in a correction to the high court’s ruling and a restoration of school choice for students and their families in the state (South Carolina Policy Council).

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Policy News from the States


K-12 Education

California Parents and Voters Wait Too Long for Vital Data
California Policy Center

What Is Math and Reading Proficiency at Minnesota’s Award-Winning Schools?
Center of the American Experiment

What Educational Reform Can Learn from Urban Renewal
Commonwealth Foundation

Make it Make Sense
Empower Mississippi

Gov. Tim Walz’s ‘Reforms’ Put Minnesota’s At-Risk Children in Even Greater Peril.
Freedom Foundation of Minnesota

New Survey: The State of Educational Opportunity in Montana
Frontier Institute

Candidate Survey: Who Is Running for Chicago School Board?
Illinois Policy

4 Things to Know About Chicago Public Schools’ New Strategic Plan
Illinois Policy

Enrollment Barely Rises at Chicago Public Schools Amidst 12% Increase in English Learners
Illinois Policy

2024 Public Education Fact Book
Kansas Policy Institute

Traditional Schools Kill Curiosity
Libertas Institute

Are Police Dogs the Right Move for Utah Schools?
Libertas Institute

Michigan Mom Continuing Lawsuit Against Chippewa Valley School Board
Mackinac Center

The Public Supports Parent Power
Mississippi Center for Public Policy

Lawmakers Explore Regulation of Oklahoma Homeschoolers
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

More Spending, More Choices
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

Moving School-Board Elections Boosts Turnout, Saves Millions
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

Zip Code = Destiny? Not with Open Enrollment.
Palmetto Promise Institute

Surf, Skate, Learn: Hands-On Science for Homeschoolers
Pioneer Institute

MA Teacher James Conway & High School Grad Ela Gardiner on MCAS Testing
Pioneer Institute

Study Finds Results of International Assessments Confirm Quality of MCAS
Pioneer Institute

Restoring The Mission: The General Education Act Model Bill Proposal
Texas Public Policy Foundation

Ellington Schools Promote Civility Ahead of Vice-Presidential Debate
Yankee Institute

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Energy and Environment

Clean Energy, Governor? We Have Some Reading on That
Badger Institute

Testimony: DEQ Climate Protection Plan
Cascade Policy Institute

Grid Operators Sound Alarm Over EPA’s Carbon Power Plant Rules
Center of the American Experiment

California Sues Exxon Because of ‘Plastic Recycling Myth’
Center of the American Experiment

Restarting Three Mile Island: Quick Facts
Commonwealth Foundation

The Real Fukushima Aftermath Was Not What You Think
Mackinac Center

‘Low Carbon, High Costs’ Report Sounds Alert on Dangerous Standard
Mackinac Center

Win-Win for Farmers, Communities in Colorado River Agreement
Pacific Research Institute

No, RTD, Hurricane Helene Not Proof of ‘Climate Change’
Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy

A Transparent Effort to Increase General Assembly Authority to Eliminate Hydrocarbon Fuels
Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy

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The Right to Try
Beacon Center of Tennessee

Oklahoma Medicaid-Expansion Critics Proven Right
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

September Healthcare Highlight: Telemedicine
Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty

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Housing Affordability

Mayor Frey Is Right; Excessive Rules Delay Housing Development
Center of the American Experiment

Will Rent Stabilization Reduce Housing Costs? Hardly.
Grassroot Institute of Hawaii

Chicago Neighborhoods See Unequal Housing Restrictions
Illinois Policy

Eminent Domain: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul
John Locke Foundation

Argentina Scraps Rent Control While Michigan Lawmakers Want to Add It
Mackinac Center

Invited Testimony to the House Committee on Ways & Means: Property Tax-Related Interim Charges
Texas Public Policy Foundation

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Jobs and State Economies

DEQ’s Plan to Suffocate Oregon’s Economy
Cascade Policy Institute

Cool Reception for State Tour to Sell Paid Leave Program
Center of the American Experiment

Minnesota Records Third Slowest GDP Growth Nationally in Q2:2024
Center of the American Experiment

Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann: Whistle While You Work
Empower Mississippi

How Much Will Your Community Save from Illinois Grocery Tax Repeal?
Illinois Policy

How We Can Combat Food Deserts and Rising Prices | Sowing Resilience
John Locke Foundation

Hurricane Helene and Its Potential Impact on North Carolina’s Agriculture
John Locke Foundation

More Say Wisconsin is on the Wrong Track, Can’t Keep Up Financially
MacIver Institute

How the Port Worker Strike Will Hit Wisconsin
MacIver Institute

Wisconsin Farmers Focused on Inflation, Immigration Ahead of November Election
MacIver Institute

How to Get Rich in 1,000 Simple Steps: Basic Advice on Work, Budgets and Investing
Mackinac Center

Why is ‘The People’s Attorney’ Suing to Block a Private Transaction That Will Benefit Shoppers?
Pacific Research Institute

Capping Food Prices Will Not Fix Grocery Bills
Pacific Research Institute

Analysis: What Did Federal Covid Money Accomplish? Well…
Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty

Wyoming Ranching Under Threat? An Update with Jim Magagna – Episode 78
Wyoming Liberty Group

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State Budgets

More than $1 Billion in Transmission Projects Up for PUC Approval on Thursday
Center of the American Experiment

Replacing the State Flag and Seal Is Costing Minnesota’s State and Local Agencies Millions of Dollars
Center of the American Experiment

More Government Means More Taxes
Frontier Institute

Pritzker’s Gas Tax Hike Doubles Yearly Take to Nearly $2B
Illinois Policy

Federal Tax Law Change Raises Cost of Refinancing Debt for State and Local Governments
Iowans for Tax Relief Foundation

Iowans Still Seek Tax Protections, Favor Trump Over Harris
Iowans for Tax Relief Foundation

In N.H., You Can’t Tax “the Rich” or “Big Businesses” Without Taxing the Little Guy Too
Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy

Fresh Off Sales Tax Increase, Milwaukee County Eyes Property Tax Increase for County Budget
MacIver Institute

WILL Warns that Eliminating Act 10 Will Cost Local Taxpayers Nearly Half a Billion Dollars Annually
Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty

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Workplace Freedom

Don’t Let the Teachers’ Union Pick Your Politics — Request PAC Refund Today
Center of the American Experiment

MN Educators: Make Your Choice about Union Membership Today!
Center of the American Experiment

The Return of the Spoils System
Mackinac Center

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Ganahl: Alternative Media
Indiana Policy Review Foundation

Are America’s Best Days Still to Come or Have they Come and Gone?
Institute for Reforming Government

Hendrickson Report: The 30th Anniversary of the “Contract with America”: A Conservative’s Journey
Iowans for Tax Relief Foundation

How North Carolina Election Officials May Respond to Hurricane Helene
John Locke Foundation

Federalism and the Founders’ Vision with Charles C. W. Cooke
Show-Me Institute

Amendment D Decision Should Heighten Focus on the Most Important Constitutional Considerations
Sutherland Institute

The Right Idea | Episode 61: Saving Civilization by Getting Married with Brad Wilcox
Texas Public Policy Foundation

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The Network in the News

Jim Waters, president of the Bluegrass Institute, in an op-ed for the Courier Journal says that opponents of education freedom use ‘shoddy research’ and ‘pure fearmongering’ against Kentucky Amendment 2, a simple clarification that the state Constitution doesn’t prohibit funding for school-choice programs.

Edward Ring, director of water and energy policy for the California Policy Center, in an op-ed for the Tennessee Star lays out ‘the corrupt economics of immigration.’

Nathan Benefield, senior vice president of the Commonwealth Foundation, in an op-ed for Penn Live says ‘Pennsylvania workers cannot afford to lose U.S. Steel.’

In the New York Post, the Foundation for Government Accountability’s Jonathan Bain and Jonathan Ingram show how Harris would exacerbate out-of-control spending on Medicaid expansion.  

Josh Crawford, director of criminal justice initiatives at the Georgia Center for Opportunity, in an op-ed for the Richmond Times-Dispatch says a 1994 crime bill increased police, sentences, public safety.’

Matt Paprocki, president and CEO of Illinois Policy Institute, in an op-ed for the Chicago Daily Herald, says ‘local grocery taxes’ are ‘bad for business.’

Matt Paprocki, president and CEO of Illinois Policy Institute, in a letter to the editor for the Chicago Tribune in a touching note remembers a friend.

In The Denver Gazette, the Independence Institute’s Jon Caldera goes back to an old article from the Rocky Mountain News to reveal how housing hypocrisy hurts the working class. 

In The American Spectator, the Independent Institute’s Lloyd Billingsley exposes the epic failure of California’s billion-dollar stem cell initiatives.

In The San Diego Union-Tribune,the Independent Institute’s Christopher Calton points out that if California’s politicians want to get serious about solving the housing crisis, they need to support the radical liberalization of the housing market.

In the Carolina Journal, the John Locke Foundation’s John Hood points out that although North Carolina will rebuild in the wake of Hurricane Helene, leadership is crucial at the stage.

Michael J. Reitz, executive vice president of the Mackinac Center, in an op-ed for the Detroit News, says ‘Cut taxes to make Michigan more attractive.’

Daniel Erspamer, CEO of the Pelican Institute, in an guest column for The Advocate says ‘flattening the income tax would spur economic growth.’

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Categories: News
Organization: State Policy Network