State Policy Network
2020 General Elections: Concerns about integrity
As we find ourselves in the second half of 2020, November's general elections are drawing more of Americans' attention. The latest polling from Heart + Mind Strategies' bi-weekly Coronavirus Tracking Poll provides insight into how Americans plan to cast their votes and how confident they feel about the integrity of the 2020 general elections.

This data is from Heart + Mind Strategies’ latest Coronavirus Tracking Poll, which was conducted on September 2-3, 2020. This was an online quantitative survey. In total, a sample of n=1,008 interviews were conducted.

As we find ourselves in the second half of 2020, November’s general elections are drawing more of Americans’ attention. The latest polling from Heart + Mind Strategies’ bi-weekly Coronavirus Tracking Poll provides insight into how Americans plan to cast their votes and how confident they feel about the integrity of the 2020 general elections.

Method of voting

People who are more confident in the messages they are hearing from the government are more likely (58%) than those who are feeling confused (41%) to vote in-person at their polling place.

Confidence in integrity of elections

Confidence that the elections will be conducted fairly and with integrity is down five points to 54% from two weeks ago (August 19-20, 2020). The biggest swing was with Independents: More of them (+12 points) say they are not at all confident. Among Independents who were very confident, there was a nine-point decrease in feeling very confident that the elections will be conducted fairly and with integrity.

Issues weighing on Americans’ minds…and their votes

About this polling

State Policy Network is working with Heart + Mind Strategies to track the American public’s opinions through this time of upheaval and change. The Heart + Mind Strategies’ Coronavirus Tracking Poll has been fielded weekly since March 18-19, 2020. In June, the polling schedule shifted to bi-weekly, with the most recent field dates of September 2-3, 2020, informing this article. This was an online quantitative survey. In total, a sample of n=1,008 interviews were conducted.

Categories: Polling
Policy Issues: Elections
Organization: State Policy Network