State Policy Network
SPN’s Development Apprentice Program connects new talent to network career paths

The state-based network has been able to change thousands of lives through free-market policy solutions, thanks to the vision and talent of leaders who dedicate their careers to this cause. And if there’s one thing we could use more of today, it’s talented, passionate professionals who can help grow the strength and success of the network.

While policy research and ideas are critical, our network needs leaders in areas beyond policy—in roles like fundraising and communications—to ensure state solutions can advance and have national impact. Development professionals are essential to the network’s success because they connect an organization’s vision and mission to the difference that supporters want to make in their states. And the network needs more of them.

To address this talent need, State Policy Network launched the Development Apprentice Program (DAP) in 2018 to connect rising young professionals to development career opportunities at state think tanks.

The program recruited and placed 12 participants at SPN state think tank affiliates across the country where they received a combination of intensive training and on-the-job experience in nonprofit philanthropy. Throughout the 10-week program, SPN provided apprentices with additional training on the fundamentals of fundraising and a peer network of fellow apprentices and professional mentors.

2018 Development Apprentice class with their mentors.

Apprentices embark on network career paths

In less than a year, DAP has already had an incredible impact on the career paths of the 2018 apprentices. Five apprentices are currently seeking development roles as they make their post-graduation plans. Four participants received and accepted roles (full and part-time) in development:

Not only did DAP cultivate new talent, but it also supported the state think tank development directors who served as direct supervisors. These directors participated in management training, continuing their own professional development and growing their organization’s capability to foster young talent. 

“The Development Apprentice Program is a win-win for everyone,” said Jessica Gatewood of the Show-Me Institute, which served as a state think tank host. “The apprentice gains world class training, hands on experience and gets to make a difference in the movement. The organization gets a top notch student or recent grad who is trained and ready to contribute their skills and talents. What a brilliant move by State Policy Network to support its affiliates and bring much needed new talent into the pipeline. Show-Me Institute had a fantastic experience and has since hired the Development Apprentice (Kelvey) as a new team member.”

What apprentices had to say about the experience

Kelsey: “When I first started at the training in DC, I said that you could genuinely tell everyone loved what they were doing. Everyone seemed truly happy in their role with SPN. Throughout the summer, I got to experience that. I got to see how truly enjoyable it is to believe in a mission and fight for it. It was an honor to be a part of SPN’s first Development Apprentice Program because I got to learn from some of the best people in the freedom movement and the development world, as well as find out more about myself as a whole.”

McKenzie: “Nowhere else will you find an internship with an organization that cares so much about each individual in the program. The people I met, the friends I’ve made, and the doors that have opened and continue to open because of this internship have made it an unforgettable experience!”

Kelvey: “The Development Apprentice Program that State Policy Network has created is truly one-of-a-kind. In no other internship, program, or opportunity have I learned so much, gained such amazing and practical experience, and thoroughly enjoyed the work at hand. No matter where you want to find yourself in the free-market movement, participation in this program will equip you in ways you never imagined.”

Max: “The primary highlight of my participation in the Development Apprentice Program was securing a full-time career path in development as a result of this experience.”

Ayana: “This program has by far been one of the most challenging and fulfilling times of my life, both professionally and personally. Getting a first-hand look not only at the world of development but also think tank culture was a unique opportunity that I would definitely take advantage of all over again.”

Elizabeth: “As a young professional who hopes to support principled public policy by raising money in the liberty movement, this program was invaluable in connecting me with a supportive network, and imparting invaluable on-the-job development training.”

2018 Apprentices Ayana and Kelvey participate in SPN’s Generation Liberty Fellowship Program as part of the SPN 26th Annual Meeting.

None of this would be possible without the enthusiasm and participation of SPN’s state think tank affiliates and the support of generous network donors who enable SPN to invest in growing leaders across the network. Thank you for locking arms with SPN to empower young leaders to make a difference in the states!

Applications now open for the 2019 Development Apprentice Program

If you know a young professional who would benefit from this program (or if you’d like to apply yourself), visit to learn more. The deadline to apply has been extended to Friday, February 15, 2019.

Organization: State Policy Network