May 28, 2020
Highlighting the power of human ingenuity
The coronavirus pandemic has forced adjustments in the plans and strategies of organizations around the world—and the Archbridge Institute is no exception. Despite the disruption, the Institute continues to focus on ways to increase opportunities for upward social mobility and human flourishing, with a particular focus on the power of hard work and creativity.
As we face an unprecedented challenge, Archbridge Institute President and CEO Gonzalo Schwarz offers a timely reminder that our greatest asset in the struggle to combat the coronavirus is human ingenuity. Echoing the great economist Julian Simon, Schwarz highlights how our innate capacity to come together and solve big problems through entrepreneurship and innovation is already being harnessed to meet this current challenge.
Continuing with that theme, business historian and Archbridge board member Gary Hoover published a new series, “American Originals,” highlighting the stories of those who charted their own path, overcame barriers, and achieved a better life for themselves and those around them by embracing personal responsibility, hard work, and an entrepreneurial spirit.