State Policy Network
Pushing home equity theft reform in the states

What happens to Americans who miscalculate and underpay their property taxes—even by just a few dollars? In at least 13 states, the government can seize their property, sell it, and leave them with nothing.

In 2020, the Pacific Legal Foundation is focusing on fighting home equity theft in the courts and legislatures. Currently, PLF is litigating two home equity theft cases in Michigan: Rafelli LLC v. Oakland County and Perez v. Wayne County. However, after last year’s victory in obtaining legislative reform of home equity theft in Montana and the ongoing positive reception of the cases in Michigan, PLF is expanding its legislative and litigation goals for the issue. In 2020, PLF will target four states: Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Nebraska, and is currently working with allies in Arizona on a bill to reform the practice in the state. PLF is eager to connect with partners and supporters over this important issue.

Categories: News
Organization: Pacific Legal Foundation