State Policy Network
State Policy Network launches partnership with RealClear Foundation to bring the best state policy ideas to new audiences

From education options to economic recovery to healthcare reform, Americans are hungry for practical solutions that will make a noticeable, positive difference close to home and in their daily lives. But the solutions that will best serve the unique needs of these communities aren’t coming from Washington, DC. They are coming from the states, and more Americans need to hear about them.

In order for state solutions to achieve national impact, it is essential that more Americans are aware of them. Earned media is one of the most effective channels for introducing new audiences to life-changing policy ideas and making the case for states to embrace them.

State Policy Network is pleased to announce that we have partnered with RealClearPolicy to launch a media program that expands the reach and impact of the Network’s best state and local policy ideas. This initiative empowers citizens, policymakers, and communities to discover and develop practical, hopeful solutions to today’s problems by connecting them to the best research, analysis, and stories from all 50 states.

Introducing the State Solutions Media Program

SPN’s State Solutions Media Program is designed to bring the Network’s best state-based policy ideas to new, bipartisan audiences nationally and at the state level. It includes:

Connecting the Network to new bipartisan audiences

To solve the problems within our communities, Americans value collaboration and common ground over extreme partisanship or ideology. Thanks to its trusted, nonpartisan reputation, RealClear is a go-to resource for “movers and shakers of politics and policy” across this political spectrum. SPN’s partnership with RealClear presents a unique opportunity for state-based organizations to reach and educate new, bipartisan audiences about solutions that work for all Americans, regardless of what their political leaning might be.

In 2020, 110 million users from across all 50 states and Washington, DC, visited RealClearPolitics. As the go-to site for information around the elections, RCP last November was the was thirteenth most-visited news outlet—ahead of ABC, CBS, and Wall Street Journal, and right behind NBC. The RealClearWire syndication service extends this reach by offering articles for republication to major local news conglomerates such as TownNews and Advance Local, as well as major metro-area publications such as The Chicago Tribune and Philadelphia Inquirer

Arguably even more impressive is the make-up of RealClear’s readership. In these polarized times, media organizations increasingly cater to communities of partisan thinking. RealClear represents one of the few remaining shared news experiences, with a readership that is 34% Democrat, 28% Independent, and 38% Republican.

Check out the State Solutions page

We invite you to bookmark and share our State Solutions page, which is being updated weekly. Readers can filter content by specific states and policy topics, making the page a quick and easy resource for keeping up with your own state or learning from what other states are doing.

To keep up with the latest additions to the page, for SPN’s Week in Review, a weekly email digest that collects the latest state policy news in an easy-to-scan format.  

How state-based organizations can participate

The State Solutions Media Program is currently open to state think tanks in all 50 states. Please visit our information page for details on eligibility, accepted content types, and submission guidelines.

We are thankful for this incredible opportunity and look forward to working with RealClear and Network organizations to help our state solutions have national impact.

Organization: State Policy Network