May 7, 2020
COVID-19 Resources for State Think Tanks
Resources for organizational health, communications, fundraising, and virtual work.
As the coronavirus (COVID-19), uproots American life, State Policy Network has put together resources and tools to help state think tanks navigate this new reality. These resources will help you overcome the challenges related to managing virtual work, fundraising, communications, organizational priorities, and policy opportunities.
Healthcare Policy Menu: Five things state policymakers can do right now to address the coronavirus public health crisis
State Healthcare Response Tracker: State solutions to expand healthcare access during the Coronavirus crisis
Fiscal Policy Menu: Three solutions to revitalize state economies in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic
State Economic Response Tracker: Protecting state economies and jobs during the coronavirus crisis
State-by-State Guide of Coronavirus Solutions:
State Think Tank Reopening Guides: Re-opening state economies: A list of recommendations from state think tanks
Federal Updates for States: A tracker of federal updates and action steps and what they mean for states
Education Solutions: Six things states can do to support learning during coronavirus