State Policy Network

Executive Vice Presidents

Executive Vice Presidents are a vital part of our Network’s success. They serve a crucial role helping CEOs lead their organizations, focusing on implementation of strategic goals and building the organization’s internal infrastructure. It is essential to invest in EVPs’ continued growth so they better serve their organization and step into greater leadership.  

Members of highly functioning peer groups report that the iron-sharpening-iron effect of their group challenges them to become more visionary, collaborative, and effective leaders. They appreciate the deep connections with peers who juggle similar battles, opportunities, and risk.  

 SPN’s EVP peer groups help these important leaders set and achieve professional development goals, challenge their assumptions, and connect with other peers who push them towards even higher levels of success.  

Meredith Turney

Senior Director of Leadership and Talent Development




Our Offerings

EVP Peer Groups

What can you expect from your participation in an EVP peer group? 

  • Achieve higher levels of professional excellence.  
  • Set influential direction.  
  • Build talented teams.  
  • Empower key stakeholders.  
  • Drive robust results.  
  • Celebrate and invigorate. 

Leadership Coaching

Meredith Turney offers leadership coaching to a group of network EVPs each year. These coachings help leaders attain their personal and professional growth goals. Participation is invitation-only and limited by Meredith’s capacity.

Criteria for Acceptance

Joining a peer group is a significant commitment. It requires dedication to set ambitious professional development goals, attend and be fully present at peer group meetings, and challenge and encourage peers. The following criteria must be met in order to join an EVP peer group:  

  • Applicant is EVP or in a similar role at an SPN affiliate or partner. 
  • Applicant is willing to commit to the SPN Pledge and Promise. 
  • Applicant has the temperament to effectively engage in a peer group (including humility, vulnerability, and boldness). 
  • Applicant provides clear goals for participating, which will lead to organization outcomes (such as leadership growth, building a strong team, or improving strategic thinking). 

 To learn more, please contact SPN’s Senior Director of Leadership and Talent Development, Meredith Turney.

Helpful Resources